Berkshire Couples Wellness and Yoga > Events  > Holding Space for Solitude: Aloneness vs. Loneliness

Holding Space for Solitude: Aloneness vs. Loneliness

Creating hope during hopelessness leads to more vitality and aliveness as well as improved immune functioning.

Monday, July 6th
1:15 PM – 2:00 PM EST
30 min workshop & 15 mins for Q & A

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Event Details
As part of Exhale to Inhale‘s Mental Health Mondays series, in partnership with Dr. Rachel Bush and Dr. John Gerson, we are thrilled to bring you a conversation on increasing your sense of vitality and feeling alive.
In their clinical work both, Doctors Bush and Gerson have learned about the importance of creating a safe space for their patients. This conversation will be about holding space for ourselves. We will discuss evidenced-based tips for developing gratitude. Participants will learn about connecting to feeling states without judgment and the need for increased joy and meaning. Research shows that creating hope during hopelessness leads to more vitality and aliveness as well as improved immune functioning.
During the pandemic, we experience both the pressure to get out as well as the need to stay in. Discovering more about the inner landscape is an ongoing resource for psychological growth, self-nourishment and making the world a better place.